Friday, September 7, 2012

Seven Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 ---
First week of school went pretty well.  I will have to post what we are doing for each subject.  However, I do have some tweaking to so with our schedule so that we aren't trying to cram too much in in one day.
--- 2 ---

We went on our annual trip to the Sandwich Fair yesterday.  It was fun.  Matt got to ride on a bunch of rides with my nephew. I was so glad that he was with us so that I didn't have to go on some of those rides that Matt wanted to go on.  I used to be able to go on any ride and it wouldn't bother my stomach but I must be getting old because even a trip on the Carousel with the babies was making me really dizzy.
--- 3 ---
I got chosen to host a Fisher Price house party.  When I signed up to host I was sure that I wouldn't be picked to host but I was so that in itself was pretty cool.  Then when I got the list of toys they are sending for the playdate, I was amazed!! Kevin keeps asking what is the catch, the toys are that great!! Thanks Fisher Price and House Party!! I promise I will post pictures when we get the toys.
--- 4 ---
Danny has discovered the iPod.  He loves to watch videos on it.  I wonder who he learned that from. Hmmmmm........
--- 5 ---
I am really loving Saxon Math for Matt.  When I was homeschooled, I started in 7th grade with Saxon Algebra 1/2 and I really struggled with it.  However, I love the Math 3 program.  I think it is exactly what I needed to teach.
--- 6 ---
We are also loving Exploring Creation Through Zoology 1. I like that it is really hands on and has a lot of activities to keep Matt involved.
--- 7 ---
I have to pick out a read along to start next week with the kids.  I was thinking of maybe The Mouse and the Motorcycle but I'm not sure.   

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Start

Hi! I'm Evelyn a SAHM to 3. I have been married to Kevin for 10 years. I am the youngest of eight and I myself was homeschooled from 7th grade through my junior year in high school. My oldest, Matt is 8 and will be in 3rd grade. My Sarah is almost 3 and is just starting with some preschool work this year. My Danny is just 15 months and he will just be hanging out watching the other two and learning while playing! I hope to get into blogging. I used to love to write but then real life came along and I haven't been able to spend much time on it. This blog will be a mixture of school stuff as well around the house happenings.