Friday, September 7, 2012

Seven Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 ---
First week of school went pretty well.  I will have to post what we are doing for each subject.  However, I do have some tweaking to so with our schedule so that we aren't trying to cram too much in in one day.
--- 2 ---

We went on our annual trip to the Sandwich Fair yesterday.  It was fun.  Matt got to ride on a bunch of rides with my nephew. I was so glad that he was with us so that I didn't have to go on some of those rides that Matt wanted to go on.  I used to be able to go on any ride and it wouldn't bother my stomach but I must be getting old because even a trip on the Carousel with the babies was making me really dizzy.
--- 3 ---
I got chosen to host a Fisher Price house party.  When I signed up to host I was sure that I wouldn't be picked to host but I was so that in itself was pretty cool.  Then when I got the list of toys they are sending for the playdate, I was amazed!! Kevin keeps asking what is the catch, the toys are that great!! Thanks Fisher Price and House Party!! I promise I will post pictures when we get the toys.
--- 4 ---
Danny has discovered the iPod.  He loves to watch videos on it.  I wonder who he learned that from. Hmmmmm........
--- 5 ---
I am really loving Saxon Math for Matt.  When I was homeschooled, I started in 7th grade with Saxon Algebra 1/2 and I really struggled with it.  However, I love the Math 3 program.  I think it is exactly what I needed to teach.
--- 6 ---
We are also loving Exploring Creation Through Zoology 1. I like that it is really hands on and has a lot of activities to keep Matt involved.
--- 7 ---
I have to pick out a read along to start next week with the kids.  I was thinking of maybe The Mouse and the Motorcycle but I'm not sure.   

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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